[nos-bbs] xNOS Routing - So close

Raymond Quinn w6ray at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 20 02:44:50 EDT 2011

As a few of you know, I run the SJVBBS (W6RAY) near Visalia, CA. I have been
working on the routing for several years ( I have found emails dating back
to 2008). I have been wrestling with a routing issue. I believe the routing
issue is no longer my problem.

I ping sjvbbs.ampr.org (or w6ray.ampr.org) and I receive replies using an
outside web site.  (http://ping.eu) I also briefly started Apache on port 80
and was able to view the simple page in my browser using the same AMPRnet
address. In IPTABLES, I have the normal BBS ports forwarded to the JNOS
address on my Linux box and these can all be reached using the public
address of this box, nos. (or sjvbbs.)w6ray.com. However, none of these will
forward using the AMPRnet address.

Here is a description of my current set up:

# Router (PUBLIC) #
# xx.xx.xx.62            #
#          nos.w6ray.com                #
#  eth0                  #
#  tun0 (Linux)   #
#  tun0 (JNOS) #
# JNOS                 #

Using "tcpdump -ni tun0", I see the packets arrive. When using
nos.w6ray.com, the readout shows acknowledgements, but only shows receipt of
the packets when using the sjvbbs.ampr.org address.

I believe this is most likely an issue of an incorrect protocol or something
similar within IPTABLES, or perhaps a simple routing issue.

I am so close to having this this working FINALLY, I just need that last
piece of the puzzle to get the San Joaquin Valley AMPRNET gateway ready for
the next phase.


73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
Visalia, CA DM06

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