[nos-bbs] Configuring a Kenwood TM-D710 for use with JNOS?

Michael Curry dgspotman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 11:07:41 EDT 2011

 Chris KC2RGW wrote:

> Also, unsure on that one but with the TS-2000 modem, after you enable
> beacon mode, you have to set it to not beacon again when you finish
> using packet, or it will beacon everywhere else you tune the radio
> until you do.

Okay, I'll pass that along to the client stations, but I don't think it
should be an issue for the JNOS radio, since JNOS is generating the beacons.

How does one tell if there's a TS-2000 TNC inside, vs. some other model?

73, Michael KI6TYV
Remember, Comrades: Life is a series of choices -- all of which will be made
for you by Central Committee.
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