[nos-bbs] Potential Timer Issue in JNOS (3rd try- sorry)

George [ham] VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Sat Jul 31 23:35:50 EDT 2010

Interesting Bob...

On 07/28/2010 12:39 PM, fish810 wrote:
> >>SNIP<<
> Broadcast timer  403528419/1800
At K8RRA the BC ceased after July 26 07:54:45.
Jnos was booted 30days +8hrs ago
That's about 25days [more detail later].
So I can confirm your issue here on a F-11 OS & jnos2.0f
Here is my console [quoted]:
> jnos> expire
> timer: 0/0 hrs
> jnos> ax25 bcinterval
> Broadcast timer 4294486670/3601 seconds
> jnos> ax25 bcinterval
> Broadcast timer 4294483855/3601 seconds
> jnos> 
 From it you see:
   1) I am not using the EXPIRE feature
   2) BC-interval is munged up like yours
   3) BC-timer is still decrementing per normal [it's just going to be a 
25-day wait]

You and I have a different digit count in our email timer value:
yours is 4.03X10^8
mine  is 4.29X10^9
It probably won't change the solution...

What is most interesting is this:
A timer accurate to 1ms rolls over a 32bit binary integer at about 25days.
The timer runs out of bits...[if my conversion is accurate]
Or as Maiko put it a few hrs ago -- a pain.

If we were running a 64bit computer, neither of us will live long enough 
to see the roll-over...
Isn't that a wonderful trap for future program users/debuggers?

So the work-around really is to reboot or otherwise reset timers prior 
to 25days.
For long-running sites, maybe the AT command could be useful but I 
haven't tested it...

> >>SNIP<<  or ideas you may have.
I hope you have used an active sense of humor...:-)

> Cheers,
> Bob Fishman
Cheers & 73

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