[nos-bbs] Unsure

Quentin Falkenbury flknbry at srt.com
Sun Apr 4 13:50:08 EDT 2010

Hi All 
Happy Easter !
This morning i setup a dos machime for jnos,Using Maiko:s
installer.Now as it has no active ip address i just put in It boots up but say"s autoexec.nos not found.
And when i try to telnet into the bbs it try"s will go no farther.I am trying to setup a ax25 on HF with a node.Just trying to get it to work first HI HI.I know i have something incorrect.Ideas?..Wouls anyone be willing to look at my autoexec.nos?.I can email it not sure if i should attach something like it with general email"s to the list.
             73 Quentin
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