[nos-bbs] Email responder...

Jose A. Amador amador at electrica.cujae.edu.cu
Fri Oct 30 00:38:01 EDT 2009

The request seems to ask for a similar functionality available for FBB, 
in the form of two "servers", that is,
two commands you may invoke on a message and be parsed by the BBS, 

These commands were useful for non directly reachable systems, and both 
the request and the requested directory listing or file travel
as attached text  messages across the BBS network. This was cumbersome 
for binaries or large files, and 7PLUS (another plug in functionality)
was the (often abused) solution.

Would it be possible using the alias file? I have no clue right now, and 
for me, the alias file was certainly tricky.I am not sure how useful
would that solution be for anything beyond a few selected filenames.

I used to run both FBB and JNOS under linux sharing the same public 
tree, so both complemented each other capabilities and gave very 
flexible features
but Bill's request might be an interesting possibility to add for JNOS 
only systems.


Jose, CO2JA


George [ham] VerDuin escribió:
> Hi Bill.
> On 10/29/2009 06:52 PM, Bill V WA7NWP wrote:
>> Does anybody have some tricky ideas on how to have NOS provide some
>> sort of Email reply-to functionality for data files.    Say I send
>> email to pubstarbucks at wa7nwp.ampr.net -  then the NOS box would find
>> the 'starbucks' file in the pub folder and send that back as a
>> reply...
>> If there isn't some existing hack to do this, it probably would be
>> fairly easy to code...
> Your concept strikes me much like a "plug-in" to browsers.  Maybe 
> "pub..." could be the first?
> Oh - is ftp not functional for you?
>> I bet this could be done with some rules in a Linux aliases file...
>> Thanks!
>> 73
>> Bill - WA7NWP
> Cheers!
> Skip

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La Habana, Cuba 



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