[nos-bbs] JNOS & SMTP Clarification

J Oberhofer obermail at att.net
Tue Feb 24 00:13:48 EST 2009

I'm a long-time JNOS user, new to the group (per Jerry N0MR's
recommendation!).  I am helping to bring up a 4-node JNOS BBS environment in
Santa Clara County CA, and am trying to explain to the organization how the
SMTP mail system works.

I have been looking for a good narrative description of the attached picture
that describes the sequence of SMTP events. 

Is this what happens when a message is originated on a BBS?

1.  The user creates the message and saves it
2.  SMTP starts
3.  SMTP takes the message and updates it per the ALIAS file
4.  SMTP then delivers the message either locally into the \SPOOL\MAIL
directory or into the Mqueue where it attempts to connect to the destination
5.  SMTP process ends

Is this what happens when a message is received into the BBS from a remote
node?  I think I see this in the 3rd vertical process flow.

1.  SMTP receives the message
2.  SMTP processes it through REWRITE
3.  SMTP processes it through ALIAS
4.  SMTP then delivers the message either locally into the \SPOOL\MAIL
directory or back into the Mqueue for forwarding

Any clarification/confirmation on this?

Jim o  KN6PE
Cupertino, CA

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