[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0f Messages

Bob Tenty bobtenty at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 23:57:50 EST 2009

I should check the rewrite file if they remain in the mqueue
Also make sure that the hostname properly resolves.



Raymond Quinn wrote:
> I hope this message gets through this time. Second try:
> I have a few questions:
> I am running JNOS 2.0f and have had a new problem develop. Users of the BBS
> can leave messages, but they don’t show up to the users afterwards. I have
> looked in the mqueue directory and the messages are there.
> *	Why would they not show up when users log in?
> *	Could it be the Linux file permissions?
> *	Is there a user:group setting in JNOS?
> *	How should the permissions be set for proper use?
> I have JNOS start up at boot.
> 73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
> Visalia, CA DM06
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