[nos-bbs] Background JNOS operation

George [Skip] VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Fri Feb 20 23:55:18 EST 2009

Hi Jay...

Jay Nugent wrote:
> Greetings Skip,
> On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, George [Skip] VerDuin wrote:
>> Oh my Mark...
>> Mark Phillips wrote:
>>> Screen geometry is your problem here.
>>> Make sure you resize your terminal window to 80x24. 
>> The concept makes sense, but I am feeling a bit lost here - resize what?
>    In the xterm window that JNOS will be launched from, type 'resize'.  
After installing xterm.i386 [it is already on Debian] I now see my 
standard is 25X80, not good.
So I'll include it into the script to set LINES prior to screen & jnos.
> If 
> your xterm is of the correct size, it will show 80x24.  If not, then grab 
> a corner with your mouse and adjust it until is does show 80x24.
This is the multi-console terminal, not on the GUI desktop [no mouse!].
> jjn at iGramp:~$ resize
> COLUMNS=100;
> LINES=38;
>    My example above, would *NOT* work and I would have to adjust it to
> 80x24 for JNOS to work as JNOS *only* understands old terminals that were
> 24 line by 80 charachers per line (the 25th line was used by *some*
> terminals to display status information or to provide 'soft' menus).
HMMM - even with the code using ROWS =25?  Interesting...
>       --- Jay  WB8TKL
Thanks for the focus


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