[nos-bbs] APRS and JNOS2??

Hal IamW8MCH at verizon.net
Mon Aug 10 13:15:30 EDT 2009

I'm trying to configure JNOS to a KISS TNC and HF APRS.. It seems that
the mentioned manual NOSaprs is not available and aprssig at tapr.org is no
longer active..

I have some figured out but am stuck with what the Jnos equivalent of
packet's UNPROTO entry might be.. Setting UNPROTO properly in the PK232
TNC is obviously bypassed by KISS..

Could someone point me to where I can find some more info?? TIA..


        Vy 73 de Hal--W8MCH    UNIX-GNU/Linux - Slackware 11.0,

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