[nos-bbs] Trace

Ian Wade G3NRW g3nrw at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Aug 9 03:57:09 EDT 2009

From: Doug Kalish <kalish.doug at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009   Time: 13:46:02

>Thanks to all who replied.  The 'trick' was F9.  Hadn't seen that documented
>Doug KA3L


You might find this useful as a starting point for function key 
definitions (best viewed in fixed pitch font).

In the mapping table below the N.B. sentence, sf1 = shift-F1, cf1 = 
control-F1, af1 = alt-F1.

# ==================                                NOSview [301]
# /scripts/fkeys.scr
# ==================

# Format:
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# fkey <key_number> [<value> | "<string>"]
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Use ^ for a control character; e.g. ^M = CR

# N.B. A line containing a # character ANYWHERE on
#      the line is a comment.          ^^^^^^^^

#  f1  59 | sf1  84 | cf1   94 | af1  104 | pgup  73 |
#  f2  60 | sf2  85 | cf2   95 | af2  105 | pgdn  81 |
#  f3  61 | sf3  86 | cf3   96 | af3  106 | home  71 |
#  f4  62 | sf4  87 | cf4   97 | af4  107 | end   79 |
#  f5  63 | sf5  88 | cf5   98 | af5  108 | arup  72 |
#  f6  64 | sf6  89 | cf6   99 | af6  109 | ardn  80 |
#  f7  65 | sf7  90 | cf7  100 | af7  110 | ar l  75 |
#  f8  66 | sf8  91 | cf8  101 | af8  111 | ar r  77 |
#  f9  67 | sf9  92 | cf9  102 | af9  112 | ins   82 |
#         | sf10 93 | cf10 103 | af10 113 | del   83 |

# DELETE KEY (to abort a keyboard command with CTRL-U)
fkey 83   "^U"

fkey 72   "^B"
fkey 75   ""
fkey 77   ""
fkey 80   ""

fkey 59   "^[tail /scripts/fkeys.lst^M"
fkey 60   "^[session^M"
fkey 61   "^[kick^M"
fkey 62   "^[ax25 heard^M"
fkey 63   "^[arp^M"
fkey 64   "^[ping "
fkey 65   "^[netrom status^M"
fkey 66   "^[smtp list^M"
fkey 67   "^[trace tnc0 211^M"

fkey 84   "^[dialer tnc0 /scripts/kisson.dia"
fkey 85   "^[socket^M"
fkey 86   "^[smtp kick^M"
fkey 87   "^[ifconfig^M"
fkey 88   "^[hop check "
fkey 89   "^[route^M"
fkey 90   "^[netrom route^M"
fkey 91   "^[bbs^M"
fkey 92   "^[trace tnc0 211 /dump/trace/"
fkey 93   "^[record /dump/record/"

fkey 94   "^[source /scripts/tncreset.scr"
fkey 95   "^[mbox^M"
fkey 96   "^[mbox kick^M"
fkey 97   "^[close "
fkey 98   "^[reset "
fkey 99   "^[route lookup "
fkey 100  "^[netrom route info "
fkey 101  "^[tcp view^M"
fkey 102  "^[trace tnc0 011^M"
fkey 103  "^[record off^M"

fkey 104  "^[session 1^M"
fkey 105  "^[session 2^M"
fkey 106  "^[session 3^M"
fkey 107  "^[session 4^M"
fkey 108  "^[session 5^M"
fkey 109  "^[session 6^M"
fkey 110  "^[session 7^M"
fkey 111  "^[session 8^M"
fkey 112  "^[trace tnc0 011 /dump/trace/"
fkey 113  "^[trace tnc0 0^M"


Ian, G3NRW

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