[nos-bbs] Pactor and JNOS

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Wed Oct 1 11:52:43 EDT 2008

Hi Darko.

On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 16:08 -0500, Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) wrote:

> > Are here any other JNOS users with SCS modems ?
> Right now ? I doubt it. There were one or two people in the past that tried
> it, but it is an expensive modem, why would anyone want to run it in JNOS,
> except for myself perhaps. 
I fit some of that description -- my SCS is presently not in active use.
My target configuration is for maritime application with both Linux jnos
and Win WL2K "production" software drivers.  Maiko and I don't seem to
have decent propagation between us so my trials with jnos+SCS have been
very much listening and very little transmitting.  The jnos/wl2k
interface is of keen interest to me, but while I'm ashore it is not of
much use.

Certainly the present jnos+SCS community is small, but if you care to
actively expand it then I'd like to participate with you.

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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