[nos-bbs] NOS and Airmail

Demetre Valaris sv1uy at sz8l.gr
Wed Mar 12 19:49:26 EDT 2008

> Bill,
>> I believe the WL2K folks have moved completely to their
>> enhanced BBS forwarding protocol and we're now completely
>> locked out from participating with them
> You believe or you are certain ?

Hi Maiko and group,

Winlink2000's 3 telnet servers do not accept anything lower than B2F but
many European PMBOs I can connect to on HF accept FBB style connections
even without compression. They do not seem to work with plain BBS
Forwarding connections though. I succesfully uploaded positions reports
today without any compression at all via HF.
Maybe the telnet servers were setup like this (accepting only B2F
protocol) by mistake but you never know what uncle Steve is up to! hi hi

If you want I might ask them but do not expect an answer!

73 de Demetre Valaris - SV1UY
who is getting sick of all stupid wars on HF DIGITAL MODES!!!

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