[nos-bbs] TNOS and the 'cannot find -lc' link error ...

Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed Sep 19 09:26:42 EDT 2007

Interesting !!!

* Jerry, I'm copying this to the list for the benefit of others.

Your rpm for glibc-devel only has the shared version :

  [root at jerrysmachine]# rpm -ql glibc-devel | grep "libc\."

Mine has both :

  [maiko at maikosmachine]$ rpm -ql glibc-devel | grep "libc\."

That's why I did not have any problems linking TNOS 3.0 on my system,
because I had the libc.a (static) installed.

Another solution of course is to just force dynamic linking for TNOS,
which is ironic, since the default for most systems now is to do dynamic
linking of libraries.

The 'Makefile' for TNOS 3.0 by default uses static linking. If you look
in the 'Makefile', you will see an entry :

    LTYPE = -static

If you want to do dynamic (the default), just override this value by
adding the following entry to the 'make.inc' file :

    LTYPE =

Lantz (rightfully) did not want people mucking up the main makefile. Any
customizations should go into the 'make.inc' instead.

Hope that helps.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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