[nos-bbs] jnos2 mail problem...

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Wed Nov 21 14:24:16 EST 2007


On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, jerome schatten wrote:

> I'm trying to get my jnos2 system up again so some locals can do some  
> testing.
> Problem: I can't send messages to myself (or any other user) and have  
> the message appear on the bbs. I've been down this road before and  
> solved the problem, but can't remember what it is that I'm doing  
> wrong. The messages end up in the queue (smtp list, shows them all),  
> but they never get delivered locally.

   Be sure your jnos boxes hostname is in your domain.txt.  Otherwise the
box will never be able to deliver email to itself.

      --- Jay WB8TKL

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