[nos-bbs] Jnos HTTP Server

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Sat Jun 2 17:04:07 EDT 2007


On Sat, 2 Jun 2007, Jerry DeLong wrote:

> Hi All, 
> Does Jnos http server bind to all the interfaces?


   We have one of our JNOS nodes here in Michigan running a webserver.  He 
has a simple text index.html opening page.  Then you can select from a 
number of NWS weather radar images (none exceding about 4k in size).

   The URL is:  wb8rcr.ampr.org

   You will want to be sure your browser is already 'inside' the AMPRnet 
44 address space.  Otherwise you will not be able to reach this server.

      --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL
          Chair, ARRL Michigan Section "Digital Radio Group" (DRG)

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