[nos-bbs] Convers network

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Wed Sep 20 14:46:37 EDT 2006

>    As we are pretty heavy users of the CONVerse bridge here in Michigan
> (usually 18 to 20 nodes linked 7x24) we would like to see this eventually
> get fixed.  Some nodes that ran under DOS that had little RAM available
> were the most vulnerable to the crashes.  More RAM certainly helped alot.
> But the crashes are sometimes seen on the Linux-based nodes as well.
>       --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL
>           o Chair, ARRL Michigan Section "Digital Radio Group" (DRG)

Very interesting to hear of the heavy use of CONVerse there.  I've been
thinking it's going to be a very valuable asset here too to supplement
Emails and APRS.

A couple questions:

Are you on the International Converse system or standalone?

What's the architecture?  Do you have some web info and documentation?  
Which channels?  How are the hubs and clients organized.

I'm dreaming that when we can get an Convers/APRS gateway established --
with certain channels being sent out, or fed from, APRS message
destinations -- then Convers will be accessible by the mobile D700 and D7
rigs.   I think that will be cool, fun and sometimes even useful!

73 and tnx,
Bill  - WA7NWP

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