[nos-bbs] SwsVpkt (XP Packet Driver for NOS) update - Installed

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Tue Sep 12 17:21:30 EDT 2006

> Hopefully, I've helped you out here, Bill.  And on another
> subject, did you happen to look at the directory structure
> I posted to the mailing list last week?  Was it of any use
> to you?
> 73, de Barry, K2MF >>

Lots of help..   Lots to digest.  I started tweaking in NOS last weekend
(at the NWAPRS gathering ) but ran in to one of those silly little things
that takes hours to find and decided it was better to switch to the 807
subnet.   I will follow the structure if possible.  I just want to cut
down on the multitude of options and directories to make things a bit
cleaner and it doesn't matter how..

Back to the SwsVpkt system.

I'm using a separate IP for the JNOS ( then for the Windows
box (DHCP assigned so that shouldn't be the issue.

Maybe we'll be able to get SwsVpkt code and maintain it now that the
originators are no longer going to be supporting it.  Wouldn't that be the
right place to filter the IP packet clutter?   Maintaining access to the
hosted machine is a pretty big thing.  Might even be nice to have a hook
to switch that off and on for performance vs connectivity..

Been playing a lot with Airmail here.  The goal is to get the SMTP/POP of
JNOS talking to the POP/SMTP of Airmail.   I think there are some very
interesting opportunities here for finding exotic techniques to pass


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