[nos-bbs] Jnos routing problem

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Tue Oct 31 11:31:37 EST 2006

I underscore Andre's response to you Jerry, plus I suggest another small

On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 15:43 -0400, kd4yal at tampabay.rr.com wrote:

> Greetings to everyone on the list,


> tr tun0 0111

Your trace output is *probably* not what you expect exactly [0111
(decimal) is not = 0x0111 (hex)].
The trace flag is interpreted in hex format thus "tr tun0 0x0111" is
*probably* where you want to be?

> >>SNIP<<

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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