[nos-bbs] Torsten's offer of PTC brings up interesting point, KAM XL, etc ..

Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue Oct 17 11:17:12 EDT 2006

Torsten wrote last week :

> I have a PTC-IIe. How may I help you? Connect that one to a PC in qrl, so 
> that you can access it? (I assume sending it to you will end up in customs 
> paperwork :-( )

The only realistic way I have found lately for me to actually get stuff
working is to have 2 modems connected directly back to back. There is a
lack of RF test partners, and with the conditions the way they have been
lately (30 meters is just awefull noisy around here), I'm not getting
anywhere. I got my Halcomm DXP 38 code working perfect now because I
had one DXP 38 connected to my JNOS and another DXP 38 connected to
my laptop running Airmail client. The Audio In from one DXP-38 goes
direct to the Audio Out of the other, and vice versa.

If I had 2 PTC units, I could do the same. If you could hook up your
PTC IIe to your JNOS, and have another PTC run via AirMail off another
computer, and have the modems connected back to back, then perhaps we
can make some SERIOUS progress. I would just need you to try a forward
from time to time from the Airmail side.

If anyone else is interested in doing this, then let us know. It is
definitely one way to get things going. As a matter of fact, if any
of you KAM XL users want to get things going, we could approach this
in a similar way.

The modems back to back is a very interesting experience, and was
alot of fun to develop the code with. It's amazing how much more
productive one can be.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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