[nos-bbs] An SMTP glitch

George (Skip) VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Fri May 26 23:15:34 EDT 2006

I'm feeling pretty unobservant and dumb over this - but I could use a
little kind help...

I have made some change to configuration that has screwed up SMTP mail
delivery and don't see the reason for my problem.
The change happened between the 4th and 24th of this month.
As I review the present config files used against paper copies from
earlier I do not see my error.
And no - I don't have an earlier "checkpoint" configuration to revert to
to start over with my changes (that is coming soon).

Consider the following excerpt from mail.log - all was well for job 116
and before.
Job 119 looks good - but that mail killed JNOS2.0d with a run-away SMTP
that has now cycled up to job 75565.
If SMTP is allowed to run it maxes out CPU and freezes the JNOS console
terminal display - it requires a "kill" to stop the process.
>>>>> SNIP off earlier entries >>>>
Tue May  2 22:18:44 2006 deliver: To: sysop From: wb8i at k8rra.ampr.org
Thu May  4 15:22:19 2006 queue job 116 To: kc8gkf From:
k8rra at k8rra.ampr.org
Thu May  4 15:22:25 2006 deliver: To: kc8gkf From: k8rra at k8rra.ampr.org
Wed May 24 23:29:59 2006 queue job 119 To: k8rra From:
kc8gkf at k8rra.ampr.org
Wed May 24 23:30:05 2006 queue job 121 To: k8rra at k8rra.ampr.org From:
kc8gkf at k8rra.ampr.org
Wed May 24 23:30:05 2006 queue job 123 To: k8rra at k8rra.ampr.org From:
kc8gkf at k8rra.ampr.org 
>>>>>>SNIP off later entries >>>>>

The only piece of humor I see in this is that we spent 9 wonderful days
at sea shortly after the 4th to deliver a sailboat from the Caribbean to
Hampton Roads in the Chesapeake Bay and it is clear I need "retraining"
after the trip...

What SMTP seems to be doing is "forwarding" k8rra mail from mqueue back
into mqueue rather than delivering it to mail.
I have not "start forward" services, and it beats me how I requested
SMTP to forward k8rra mail to anywhere...
The following is an excerpt from the 3+ MB file that has become the mail
>>>>>>>>>>>> SNIP off thousands of repeats>>>>>>>>>
Received: from k8rra.ampr.org by k8rra.ampr.org (Forwarded from K8RRA-1)
with SMTP
	id AA61675 ; Thu, 25 May 2006 16:41:38 EDT
Received: from k8rra.ampr.org by k8rra.ampr.org (Forwarded from K8RRA-1)
with SMTP
	id AA61673 ; Thu, 25 May 2006 16:41:38 EDT
Received: from k8rra.ampr.org by k8rra.ampr.org (Forwarded from K8RRA-1)
with SMTP
	id AA61671 ; Thu, 25 May 2006 16:41:38 EDT
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 16:40:00 EDT
Message-Id: <61669 at k8rra.ampr.org>
From: kc8gkf at k8rra.ampr.org
Reply-To: res0y3af1 at verizon.net
To: k8rra
Subject: hi
X-JNOS-User-Port: Uplink   (KC8GKF on port vhf)  ->   Sending message

no 120 volts at skyant
>>>>>>>>>>SNIP off the balance of the message body text >>>>>>>>>

Can anyone make quick sense of this?

de Skip k8rra k

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