[nos-bbs] Re: xNOS Bugs!

George (Skip) VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Mon Jun 26 16:59:12 EDT 2006

Barry, thanks for the detailed response.
You have confirmed much of what I have seen.
You also raise pertinent questions for resolution as change is

The basic observations you make, and my original premise are quite at
Perhaps you and I need to agree to disagree?

On one point I will give no quarter:
 --> If software is documented to work in some way then it had better
perform as documented.
And to that end I'm open to doing the labor of changing documentation as
you have read...

On the capabilities of *nos - I'm only focused on jnos2.x and I will not
easily accept the premise that it needs to exist with present
limitations.  For jnos2, the determination of exactly what changes is in
the capable hands of Maiko, and I'm certain both of our opinions will be
appropriately considered in due time.  Other strains of NOS march to
their own drum and I will be gratified in their consideration no matter
what they choose to do.  

This reflector is the best discussion forum we have available to discuss
what is important to each of us as users.  I certainly will honor yours
if you will work with me to eliminate the inconsistencies that exist

On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 14:15 -0400, Barry Siegfried wrote:

> These are not bugs.  >SNIP<

de Skip k8rra k

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