[nos-bbs] Remote AX25 data to local JNOS system

Bill Vodall wa7nwp at jnos.org
Sun Nov 13 10:06:57 EST 2005


Maybe the tool exists already?

The situation is JNOS and Linux AX25 packet.  If JNOS is
running on the Linux system that has the AX25 packet
connection, it's easy to bring the packet interface to
JNOS by using 'net2kiss' to create a ptty with KISS data
from the Linux AX25 system.  Then JNOS attaches to the ptty
just like a local serial port and sees packet data.  It's
transparent to the AX25 system - it thinks JNOS is just
another packet client.

Now it gets a bit more interesting.  Same setup.  JNOS on
Linux and AX25 on Linux.  The twist is that the AX25/Linux
system is "somewhere else" -- not on the same computer.

Does anybody know of an 'Inet2kiss' tool that would connect
to a socket or remote AX25 stack and make the resulting
data stream available on a local ptty?

It might need a corresponding 'net2socket' tool on the remote
computer running AX25.

This is a bit like the APRS server concept.

I know I can get about the same functionality with AXIP but
I'm looking for more of a raw packet from the TNC type

Any suggestions or ideas?

Bill - WA7NWP

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