[nos-bbs] TELpac nodes and JNOS

Andre v Schayk andre at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Fri Jul 8 05:23:14 EDT 2005

Rick Williams schreef:

>I appreciate the frankness from the group.
>Challenge to this group ... even if a bit off topic: If you could develop an
>emergency network, how would you do it? Or would you consider it not really
>doable and just use a pseudo emergency network such as Winlink 2000 or a
>similar system?
>Even though NOS is not the way to go for an emergency network, how about
>using Linux as a switch such as FPAC as they are doing on VHF in Florida? In
>terms of the hidden TX problem, how about something like Flexnet which I
>believe uses a DAMA approach.
>Rick, KV9U
To me the basis of an emergency network begins with a flexable node 
network linked to the exsisting node network.
Flexnet routing is by far the most flexable so that is preferable above 
netrom, most node software with flexnetrouting also has DAMA to solve 
the hidden node problem.
The linking should preferable be in 4 levels, axudp link for speed, 23 
cm 19k2 or faster as backup link for internet, 70cm 9k6 to link tempary 
nodes and field stations in a good position and 2m 1k2 for when 9k6 
can´t be done.

Trafic will be the fastest from keyboard to keyboard, xnos can be used 
in a few places in the served region as a store and forward system for 
low priorety messages and gateway to internet.

I should note that oure served regions are so small that you can cover 4 
regions with vhf/uhf so I don´t take hf into the mix. Also digital 
comunication is seccondary to voice comunication.
We are right now building a digital network based on this, our voice 
network has already been tested and parts of it are used daily.

73 de Andre PE1RDW

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