[nos-bbs] NOSaprs - complete runtime configuration available

Jaye Inabnit ke6sls ke6sls at arrl.net
Sun Sep 12 13:49:45 EDT 2004

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On Sunday 12 September 2004 09:19, maiko at pcs.mb.ca wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Finally I have available a complete runtime configuration of NOSaprs
> for anyone willing to try it out. This contains a binary and all the
> necessary support and setup files so that even those people who have
> never used NOS before in their life can give it a try.
> This is an opportunity for those people to just try out NOS itself,
> never mind the NOSaprs (which is only one part of NOS).
> The website is as follows :
>   http://www.langelaar.net/projects/nosaprs
> If you have trouble resolving the domain name, use :
> NOTE : this website is now my official page.
> Regards,
> Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

I'm looking forward to snooping with your code in the future.  Right now, my 
universe is centered on finishing this last semester (15 units)  :)  Then, 
it's going to be packet play time again.

Thanks Maiko, I really love the fact that there are people like you (and all 
the other way cool ham hackers) on this planet!


- -- 

Wishing you well.

Jaye Inabnit, ke6sls   (A fortunate GNU/Linux user)
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