[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0 for DOS Compile problems?

Peter tang01 at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Nov 14 07:37:23 EST 2004


Is anyone else having problems compiling JNOS 2.0 for DOS?

I am using Borland C++4.5 (which works ok for JNOS versions up to 
1.11f), and when I try to 'make' the compilation I get error after 
error. These are mainly of the type "unable to open include file" etc, 
but also include lots of other errors such as multiple declaration for 
'file', declaration syntax error, declaration missing, and so on. There 
are literally too many errors that whiz up the screen to make a note of 

I have checked to make sure that smisc.c is present. Has anyone any 




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