[nos-bbs] First post on new list -- whoopee!

Angela (420CDT) nos-bbs_mail at scholder.nl
Mon Aug 2 11:31:26 EDT 2004

Hi Jaye and everyone else,

> I just recieved the first two posts from the new TAPR list.  I hope that
> there is more then just me on this list.
I was also surprized to see new mail on a new NOS list.
Hope xNOS is still alive.
Even with dinosaurs like me that did not yet get to move to Linux and still
use DOS as OS.

> Who else is lurking?
Well, seen a few more bulletins. But, guess you will count me in now.

73, Angela

p-BBS pe1biv.ampr.org in Packet Radio
http-server http.pe1biv.ampr.org with the alias pe1biv.net accessible from
the Internet.
Sysop PIxYDN waiting for the NOV / Special Permit.

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