[hfsig] announcement: availability of kits

Glen Gardner glen.gardner at verizon.net
Sat Mar 23 13:12:04 EDT 2013

I have put together some kits that can be used to build a rather 
interesting HF radio.

dds board:   1MHz-140MHz, with microcontroller CAN and RS-232 interfaces.

RX: board  VLF-VHF (50KHz-52MHz), single conversion, 70 MHz IF, double 
sideband product detector, works with above DDS boards.  These boards 
have all wideband technology, up to 14MHz bandwidth from the IF. InGaP 
frontend and IF amps, diode ring mixers, separate IF out and detector 

AF/Actiive filter board:  An AF preamplifier with active audio filter 
for SSB/CW.  For use with above RX board.

All feature surface mount technology in a small form factor (approx: 
2.5" X 3.5")

These kits are very much limited production at this time.

For more info email: aa8c at gridtoys.com or visit http://gridtoys.com



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