[hfsig] Question from Clueless Newbie

David Stinson arc5 at ix.netcom.com
Sun Oct 2 20:11:22 EDT 2005

Thank you for taking a moment with a non-bit-head like me.
As most of you know, Echo Link performs the IP to IP
connection of two terminals
and then the two terminals stream IP to IP without
going through an intermediate server (in most cases).
It establishes the link and the terminals use a
codec that provides about 8 kHz of bandwidth.

Assuming there are no terminal to terminal bandwidth problems,
is there a way to "capture" the sound cards at both ends once
the link is established via Echo Link
and switch them to a higher-bandwidth codec?
I need to stream at least 20 kHz- 40 would be better,
and the ability to switch between these rates would
make it really sweet.
Speak Easy has not done the job and
has no support, which is important to a rank duffer like me.

Sorry to trouble you, but I'm at the limit of my
poor knowledge and need some help.
Thanks very much and 73,
Dave S.

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