[hfsig] Subject Line

larry fields,n6hpx n6hpx1 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 26 19:50:31 EDT 2004

    Hello Walt I agree with you on the spam part as I too get some spammers as well, I went through all the troubles to set one up only to have it come up with spam boxes.
    I remember the spam stuff was suppose to go away but seems like it stayed around. 
    Can be emailed direct as well.
    Larry Fields,n6hpx

Walt DuBose <dubose at texas.net> wrote:

Since I get so much spam and other non priority E-Mail, I am afraid that
I don't read personal E-Mail from HF SIG members because I'm always
looking for the [HFSIG] subject line header.

If you are sending me a personal E-Mail, please but [HFSIG], [HAM RADIO]
or [HAM], etc. in your subject line to help me identify the E-Mail...I
try to read ham radio E-Mail first.

Thanks and 73,


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