<font size=3>Folks<br><br>
So here in Alberta we use AB as the province wide path. I just
happened to notice our SECs packets weren't being digipeated by a digi
when he was within a few kms. I poked about and realized the
SEC was using AB7-7 in his path and the digi wasn't seeing them.
However other digis 60 and 80 kms away did see his packets.
>From that location he must be using an 50 watt amp to get his packets
This particular digi as been on air for less than a week. We
know of at least one other digi that didn't support the AB path.<br><br>
My point being that if you depend on the province/state path to work you
might want to test it too every once in a while. I'm tempted, when
in a new area or one I haven't been to for a year or more, to run AB2-2
just to see what happens. <smile><br><br>
BTW they are adding some stations to the province wide UHF linking system
in support of flooding in Medicine Hat, Alberta. These additions
had been planned for some time now. They're just being done
in a hurry.<br><br>