> Is there any future planning groups for aprs ?<br><br>Yes, to see the Future goals of APRS please see:<br><br><a href="http://aprs.org/aprs12.html">http://aprs.org/aprs12.html</a><br><br>Then also review all the plans for APRS that are current, but that few people have taken advantage of yet:<br>
<br><a href="http://aprs.org/APRS-tactical.html">http://aprs.org/APRS-tactical.html</a><br><br>And to see the future of APRS with respect to texting with all other consumer wireless systems see:<br><br><a href="http://aprs.org/aprs-messaging.html">http://aprs.org/aprs-messaging.html</a><br>
<br>and to see how APRS should tie into VOIP systems, such as D-Star, Echolink, Allstar, and IRLP see:<br><br>
<a href="http://aprs.org/aprs-messaging.html">http://aprs.org/aprs-messaging.html</a><br><br>That should be enough to keep everyone busy for a decade.<br><br>Bob, WB4aPR<br>