Greetings All,<br><br>Over the last year and a half, we've received quite a bit of anticipation and support for our development of an iPhone app that uses OpenAPRS's direct client connection interface. The day has come that the app has been released and is available in the iTunes store! OpenAPRS iPhone Edition 1.0.1 is now available for purchase and download to any iPhone or iPod device running OS 3.0 or higher. This initial release supports the following features:<br>
<br>- Callsign SSID support.<br>- Ability to change your APRS Icon.<br>- Auto beaconing on a user settable interval.<br>- Custom position comment.<br>- Breadcrumb creation to show your beaconed positions throughout your trip.<br>
- Auto centering map on movement.<br>- Ability to disable the iPhone screen saver to use as a map during your travels<br>- Manual coordinate entry if desired for beacons instead of using automatic GPS coordinates.<br>- Supports
sending and receiving APRS messages to your callsign + SSID. You don’t
have to be online when a message is sent to you, our servers will store
messages until you check them (includes decaying support built in to OpenAPRS's servers).<br>- Distance traveled indicator.<br>- Estimated speed based on time and position change between updates (not to be used as an actual speedometer).<br>
- Built in compass that works on 3GS or higher iPhones.<br><br>Our next feature release which will be available in a couple of weeks will support:<br><br>- Station symbol overlays<br>- Rotating mobile icons to match course/bearing<br>
- Search for stations by name or wildcard<br>- Support for metric units<br>- Position and speed addition to location beacons.<br>- Object creation<br><br>Development on an iPad version is already in the works...<br><br>Thanks to everyone who has helped with suggestions and testing to make this app work!<br>