<!-- WEBMAIL STATIONERY notheme -->
Bob, I would say that allowing the 1 way trackers on the network was the downfall and caused #2. Now that the door is open how to stop the cattle?<br><br>K4RJJ Ronny<br><br><!--<BR>-->
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<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 5px;">
-------------- Original message from "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga@usna.edu>: --------------
<br>> I was just pointed to N5FDL Dave's "EMCOMM-U" and his blog entry
<br>> "The Failed Promise of APRS"
<br>> (http://tinyurl.com/7n79fb) Here is my response to his
<br>> comments:
<br>> David,
<br>> As the original author of APRS dating back 20 years, I have to
<br>> respond to your blog.
<br>> You are right!!!
<br>> You can imagine my frustration over the years at seeing how the
<br>> APRS concept has deterioriated by all kinds of issues that you
<br>> have raised. Fortunately beginning in 2004, I had had enough
<br>> and was able to break away from the APRS satellite projects that
<br>> have consumed so much of my time for the last 9 years, and get
<br>> back to APRS full (avocation) time.
<br>> Your concerns are right on! In this hasty response, I hope to
<br>> show you how each of your concerns has been and is being
<br>> addressed, though we have to reverse a number of trends. And we
<br>> must re-educate most existing users and all future users.
<br>> 1) Fix the network! See www.aprs.org/fix14439.html. This
<br>> initiative began in 2004 and has shown a 2 to 5 fold improvement
<br>> in local RF network reliability. Not only does it show the
<br>> technical how-to-fix the network, it establishes a new baseline
<br>> 2) Transmit-only-trackers! These transmit-only devices were
<br>> killing the APRS concept of rapid-real-time human digital
<br>> communications (APRS) by attempting to turn the national network
<br>> into nothing more than a vehicle tracking system. (APRS was
<br>> never intended to be a "tracking" system. Please read
<br>> www.aprs.org/APRS-tactical.html.)
<br>> 3) TRACKER MANEFESTO. I have asked all manufacturers of such
<br>> one-way devices to include a copy of the APRS Tracker Manefesto
<br>> in their products to help educate users about the above topics
<br>> and to try to get them to join the "2-way communications
<br>> network". I also encourge them to design two-way systems in the
<br>> future or to include speaker monitors for Voice Alert.
<br>> www.aprs.org/doc/TrackerManifesto.doc
<br>> 4) APRS Voice Alert and TWO-WAY communications for all mobiles.
<br>> We must be able to communicate at least by voice with all APRS
<br>> operators including those with TX-only trackers. THe Manefesto
<br>> tells them to transmit their LISTENING frequency included in
<br>> their position reports. APRS positions are NOT intended for
<br>> detail tracking, only for locating the comunicator in the APRS
<br>> network. APRS Voice-Alert replaces the passive 146.52 national
<br>> calling frequency for mobiles with the active pinging and
<br>> proximity detection (on the open road) for easy contact. Far
<br>> far better than 52 and finding nearby operators.
<br>> www.aprs.org/VoiceAlert3.html
<br>> 5) Station and Mobile Attributes. APRS symbols were designed
<br>> with at least EIGHT VISIBLE attributes. 8 colors displayed
<br>> these attributes by a simple glance at the COLOR of an APRS
<br>> station or mobile. None of this is displayed by most new
<br>> follow-on "APRS" clients because most of them use simplistic
<br>> one-dimensional WINDOWS ICONS instead of
<br>> multi-layered/multi-colored SYMBOLS. see
<br>> www.aprs.org/symbols.html
<br>> 6) FREQUENCY OBJECTS: Since APRS is supposed to rapidly
<br>> facilitate communications between operators, ALL APRS
<br>> digipeaters are supposed to be putting out front-panel objects
<br>> to the Mobile Radio operator that shows him the recommended
<br>> voice repeater frequency in EACH digipeater's coverage area.
<br>> Please see www.aprs.org/localinfo.html
<br>> 7) Universal Amateur Radio Text Messaging. APRS has had keypad
<br>> text messaging for over 11 years long before it became the rage
<br>> of today's youth, yet the rest of amateur radio has ignored this
<br>> powerful real-time communications capability. We are reversing
<br>> that, by initiating a new initiative (see "Eclectic APRS" in Feb
<br>> 2009 QST) and the web page: www.aprs.org/aprs-messaging.html
<br>> 8) Smart Beaconing: Too many people have been lead to believe
<br>> that APRS is a vehicle tracking system, and therefore that a
<br>> GOOD APRS network will provide GOOD tracking, and the smarter
<br>> the beaconing, the better the track. This is IMPOSSIBLE on a
<br>> 1200 baud channel never inteneded for detail vehicle tracking!
<br>> APRS is a two-way communications system between operators. The
<br>> purpose of transmitting POSITION is only to inform others of
<br>> your activity status, availability, and approximate position in
<br>> the network. NOT YOUR PRECISE position while moving. Please
<br>> see the MISCONCEPTIONS web page under #2 above
<br>> 9) EDUCATION! We must educate. Simplifying and fixing the
<br>> network starting in 2004, was the biggest step towards user
<br>> education. By simplifying the network, shortening paths, and
<br>> getting rid of old legacy concepts, now we can finally educate
<br>> users.
<br>> a) APRS is a 2 way system between live operators
<br>> b) APRS cannot support detail tracking on the national network
<br>> c) TRACKERS are ideal for special and LOCAL events on small nets
<br>> or other freqs
<br>> d) APRS is about COMMUNICATING with fellow hams, not pushing
<br>> one-dimensional objects around an internet map.
<br>> Hope that helps.
<br>> Bob, WB4APR
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