<div dir="ltr">Hello All,<br><br>I just wanted to briefly announce a few new features on OpenAPRS that might be of interest.<br><br>I've recently added object creation, full APRS messaging support, and APRS messaging friends list window and the ability to measure distance with a ruler to the map site (<a href="http://www.openaprs.net/">http://www.openaprs.net/</a>). Most of these features require you to signup and verify your account which can be done under "Options" on the main page. Verification consists of sending an APRS message from RF to our server with a unique key and should be a pretty simple process. Of course if you're unable to send an APRS message via RF I'll provide an alternative to get you verified.<br>
<br>Of course object creation is APRS-IS only however, APRS messaging does have the possibility of being iGated to RF.<br><br>If you're interested in reading more about these new features or how to use them check our blog at <a href="http://blog.oaprs.net/">http://blog.oaprs.net/</a> or Help under our "Tools" window.<br>
<br>Since these tools are fairly new I'll be monitoring them and figuring there will need to be some bug fixes here or there as they are discovered, just drop me an email. I'll also be monitoring them for abuse but I don't believe there will be much of an issue.<br>
<br>I hope these new features will be a benefit to everyone!<br><br>Greg<br><br>NV6G<br>OpenAPRS.Net<br></div>