<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' background='none' style='font-family:serif;font-size:10pt;color:rgb(0, 0, 0);background-color:transparent;width:100%;'><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><div id="yiv55431910"><br>
Steve, Nice name, BTW.<br>
1st Pa-LEASE trim your post and change the Subj to your specific subject.<br>
2nd Not sure which practices you need brushing-up on, but I sorta' answer your question at bottom, I think.<br>
If someone has, or knows of, something like APRS Cliff Notes, please post the URL. <br>
It's kind of like this... only tell me what I need to know and no more...yea, right!<br>
I'd also like such
a reference. While Bob has much useful information on his APRS site,
specific items are sometimes hard to find. (in all farness, it's not trivial to make such web pages user friendly)<br>
I also now, only need a brief reference
not the complete tutorial/background. If it isn't enough, I can dig. <br>
I have found that it is
also common (as Bob did below) for an
explanation to use some venacular (or possibly a parameter name from a
specific application) for one of the parameters instead of
the specific parameter name; e.g. "My Call" for "MYCALL" ( the common Packet
parameter) or "My Callsign" (the D7/D700 Menu name). Some of
these may be obvious, but to the non-Packeteer, some can be confusing.<br>
So... I've decided to start something for myself and publish if I
get far enough to do so. <br>
For a start...<br>
I was just looking for how to send an Object and Googled an old
post of Bob's with step-by-step, which I partly edited so far. i.e.<br>
1. Bring up the MENU for MYCALL. Change the entry to the name of the object (though<br>
it must be only 6 bytes long (must meet the limits of a call). <br>
3. Send out your position a few times. <br>
4. If you want it at a different location, then bring up the POSIT MENU and enter the<br>
coordinates there. BUT, turn GPS off (use PM) to use it, right?<br>
5. Change your call back to your call and move on. (D700 PMs can be used for this & GPS OFF))<br>
"MYCALL" a.k.a. MY CALLSIGN D7 Menu 2-1 D700 Menu 3-1 <br>
"POSIT" a.k.a. MY POSITION D7 Menu 2-4 D700 Menu 3-4<br>
[[[ i'm also not sure about that 6 byte restriction. Call+SSID can be >6]]<br> other notes cut for brevity.<br><br>
YOUR sort-of ANSWER:<br>
<br> D700 APRS Menu Settings Menu 3-X [my current, or sorta'
recommended, values shown after >>. There may be various
reasons for other values. Use good judgement, whatever that means
MOST important is PATH (for the new paradigm).<br>
1 MY CALLSIGN = Your Call-SSID >>K9DCI-9<br>
2 GPS UNIT = As required [NOT USED, NMEA, NMEA96] >>NMEA<br>
3 WAYPOINT = (I believe this enables uploading stations ONTO your GPS as waypoints) >>OFF<br>
4 MY POITION = There are 5 sub entries. Put what you want & "USE" one. GPS input overrides this.<br>
6 POSITION COMMENT = Pick as appropriate. (CUSTOM is whatever you mean)>>In Service<br>
7 POSITION LIMIT = Display/save beacons inside this radius >>50 mi<br>
8 STATION ICON = Select best >>House (for testing right now)<br>
9 STATUS TEXT = U define >>"Studying APRS operation"<br>
A STATUS RATE = Add text every so many beacons >> 1/1 (1/4 or 1/5 more better)<br>
B PACKET PATH >>WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 (THE standard. Do not vary without flame suit)<br>
D TX INTERVAL = Varries >>30 min when fixed station.
no less than 1 min moving except for special circumstances.<br>
E UNPROTOCOL APK101 for D700<br>
F BEEP = What U want >>MINE<br>
I DATA BAND = Receiver/side used for APRS >>A<br>
J PACKET SPEED >>1200 bps<br>
K DIGIPEATER = Needs it's own section. >>OFF<br>
L UIDIGI = Needs it's own section. >>(Mine blank)<br>
M AUTO MSG REPLY = If you want to auto reply to messages sent TO you. >>OFF<br>
N REPLY MSG = What you want to send when replying with M turned ON. >>[Mine blank]<br>
O BLN GROUP = 6 groups max. 4 char max each >> Mine blank <br>
P MSG GROUP = For receiving 'group' messages. 6 groups max. 9 char max each <br>
>>ALL,QST,CQ,KWD,ID,* (ID and * for my current testing) <br>
The first 4 are pretty much standard.<br>
-- <br>
73, Steve, K9DCI<br>
--- <br>
From: Steve Nowak <s.f.nowak@cox.net><br>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] aprssig Digest, Vol 48, Issue 19<br>
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008, 7:20 AM<br>
<span style="font-family: monospace;"><br>
</span>As someone who has played with APRS for a number of years, but
due to adeployment got rusty while the technology outpaced me, I'd like
to know if there is a "Cliff's Notes" FAQ of current recommended
practices. [...snip...]<span style="font-family: monospace;"><br>
</span>73, Steve KE8YN<br>
[...snip..snippitty snip snip...sha-rooo...]<br></div></td></tr></table><br>