Folks I am sending this out to all the list that I am on as I am seeing
people do some of this on some of the lists I am on and it bugs me. So
here is some Net Etiquette for you:<br><br>Don't Participate in Flame Wars!
<br><br>Should you decide something you received is so priceless that you <b>must</b> forward
it, <b>DON'T include your entire address list</b> in the TO: field.<br>
Learn To Use Distribution Lists or send Blind Carbon Copies. This one
just bugs me as I don't want the whole world to know my email address.
Think about people a spammer could see your address if it is in a list
of address that has bee forwarded.
<strong>Use the subject field!<br>
</strong> The subject field is a useful option that is often neglected.
The biggest problem in my experience is ineffective or improper use
of the Subject field. It's disturbing how many people send e-mails
with no subject or the wrong subject, particularly in replys. If you
change the topic of an E-Mail in the reply, Please Change the Subject
Line To Match!<br>
Inappropriate subjects also make it difficult to file, forward, or
provide meaningful responses.<br><br>When responding to E-Mail, don't quote the entire original message
in your reply. Only quote the relevant parts, and only to the extent
that they will help orient the recipient on your reply.<br><br>If you want to unsubscribe from a public mailing list, please PLEASE
make certain that the <tt>UNSUBSCRIBE</tt> command gets sent to the
LIST SERVER and <i>NOT</i> the Mailing List Itself. If you do
this, you irritate every member of the list who gets your message,
and you will still be subscribed to the list.<br><span><br>Richard N. Piper IV<br><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">