Okay, one desperate plea before we scrub our balloon flight planned for today... <br><br>It seems that I can't figure out how to connect the Open Tracker (which should take the same type of cable as a Tiny Trak or KPC-3+) to either of my Radio Shack HTs. I had a cable that worked fine - but it flew off to New Brunswick and hasn't yet returned. So I've tried the onboard resistor and just connecting Audio out to the mic tip and ground to the sleeve - no workie. Tried removing the onboard resistor and using a .1 uf cap from Audio out to the tip and (alternately) a
3.3k or 2.2k resistor from PTT to the tip (connecting after the resistor) - no workie.<br><br>Anyone sitting around, reading their email this Easter morning and happen to know what I'm doing wrong?? I have about 20 minutes and I scrub the flight over this...
<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>73,<br>Robert KC8UCH<br>