<font style="font-family: times new roman;" size="3">Thanks to the list for your advice on San Diego APRS paths.<br><br>Well, I think Ray owes me a bottom dollar. I do not have an swr meter but I have tested the entire RF path by easily working local FM voice repeaters in the San Diego area. Good signal reports, and a few reports of locals who can hear me on the input frequency as well. I live in a trailer and there are large holes for coax pass throughs. No crushed coax here. <br><br>As it turns out, using a path suggested by </font><font style="font-family: times new roman;" size="3">Cap Pennel, KE6AFE, of WIDE1-1, WIDE2-1, I seem to be getting more packets into the system. Thanks Cap.<br><br>I will be on the move again on Saturday heading up to Corona CA and it will be interesting to see if my track appears on findu afterwards.<br><br><br>73 de K1LPI<br>Dave</font><BR><BR><a href="http://www.k1lpi.com">K1LPI's Little House on the Highway</a><br>cell 408
307-2831, please leave voicemail<br>Please update address books to k1lpi@yahoo.com<p>
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