[aprssig] Announcing - https://how.aprs.works

Jeff Hochberg jeffh at aprsfoundation.org
Thu Aug 29 12:41:56 EDT 2024

Here's yet another exciting announcement from your friends at the APRS

We continue to hear two recurring themes (in no particular order):

1. There needs to be more accurate & up-to-date information on the APRS
2. The ham community wants/needs a solid beginner's guide to APRS.

Enter https://how.aprs.works!

While http://www.aprs.org is technically the authoritative source for APRS,
we fully recognize the site is challenging to navigate, dated-looking,
contains stale information, etc.

We wanted to get something in the hands of the APRS community as quickly as
possible! There's not a lot of content yet, but you can contribute here!
(More details below.)

How APRS Works is a brand-new site that sits atop Ghost (https://ghost.org),
a blogging platform similar to WordPress. Ghost is much more modern, easier
to work with, fast, and gorgeous!

While the site is owned and managed by APRS Foundation Inc., it is for the
entire amateur radio community worldwide! While we got things started, we
do not want to be 100% responsible for writing the articles (nor do we have
the time to do so).

How APRS Works is designed so that anyone can write posts. However, we want
to ensure that the posts are accurate and reliable, so new posts will be
moderated to ensure high quality and accuracy.

If you are up to the task and interested in authoring documents for the
site, you can use the Contact Us form on the APRS Foundation website to ask
for an account, and we will send you an invitation.

Also, if you have other ideas about what content should be on the site,
don't be shy—let us know!

We hope you're as excited about the new site as we are!


Jeffrey Hochberg - W4JEW
APRS Foundation Inc

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