[aprssig] KA6IYS spewing APRS-IS garbage?

Lynn W Deffenbaugh (Mr) KJ4ERJ at arrl.net
Thu Oct 12 22:18:07 EDT 2023

Actually, that's some seriously nasty packet corruption/reflection going 
on.   Just do an e/KA6IYS on an APRS-IS feed and you'll see stuff like:

WinMain:2023-10-13T02:12:36.689 New Filter(e/KA6IYS)
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:12:51.721 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [1]6WZ>PJI43,TP,A,IWXG,qAR,KA6IYS:31.5D10.5&N00  oice 1.0 1 H
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:13:13.802 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [0]13>APRSTLIN,qAR,KA6IYS:@130213z3741.58N/12143.63W_003/000g000t065r000p000P000h48b10061.DsVP
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:13:17.151 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [0]NZ>P10TPP,A,HR,qAR,KA6IYS:J5T19111z406N16E.Summits  Air - wwwta.or.
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:13:18.167 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [1]AWX>AP1,SPD*,WID1,qAS,KA6IYS:34V Green AcreX1 I6MLK
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:13:25.840 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [1]WIINK>A2,TCPIqSWN,qAR,KA6IYS:L2-0 101z03 N017 E1495H iln aktGtwy
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:14:25.914 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [1]KK6BXP-9>3WQYSS,qAS,KA6IYS:`1WtY\`"44
WinMain:2023-10-13T02:14:28.287 IS[APRS-IS](Hit(e/KA6IYS)) [1]INK>APK,TCPPWLNK,qAR,KA6IYS:Z10  *214z3405. a4.1MzWnikPce aea

KA6IYS is beaconing >APX204 which is supposedly a Xastir version.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 10/12/2023 7:44 PM, John Gorkos wrote:
> Anyone have any thoughts as to what could be happening with the KA6IYS 
> iGate?  He seems to be gating (or re-gating, based on distances) 
> partial callsigns back into APRS-IS:
> https://aprs.fi/info/KA6IYS
> I've not seen this failure mode before, but my experience here is 
> pretty limited.
> Thanks,
> de AB0OO - John
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