[aprssig] New APRS tocall assignments processed

Heikki Hannikainen hessu at hes.iki.fi
Tue Jun 6 17:40:29 EDT 2023


I have processed the backlog of new APRS device identifier assignments 
(tocalls.txt replacement) at: https://github.com/aprsorg/aprs-deviceid

I'm sorry for the delay on handling these; I've had to prioritize other 
things in my life a bit lately.

The YAML source file can be viewed and downloaded here:


The generated JSON and XML versions of the index are here:


A log of changes can be seen in the commit log:


If you wish to see changes only in the assignment source file, just click 
on "History" when viewing that file:


To request a new identifier, please see the ALLOCATING document:


APRS applications using the machine-readable device identifier database 
file (in either YAML, XML or JSON format) can be simply updated with a new 
version of the file. They can then immediately identify packets sent by 
new applications in the index, without code changes within receiving 

   - Hessu

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