[aprssig] HF APRS + QDX

Ron VE8RT ve8rt at yknwt.ca
Fri Apr 21 11:59:27 EDT 2023

It has been months since I've seen anything on this list, hopefully
this goes through.

in a discussion with Nino (Nino TNC, used with TARPN) he assures me
that the QRP Labs QDX should work well on HF APRS.  I haven't tried yet
to get it to work with Direwolf, but what may be the bigger problem is
setting the QDX frequency.  I'll check the Direwolf manual again, but I
do not recall it working with rigctl.

Is there a way to put the QDX on frequency with Direwolf running?

   Ron VE8RT

Ron VE8RT <ve8rt at yknwt.ca>

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