[aprssig] Emergency power from your EV/Hybrid

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Sep 1 17:41:21 EDT 2021

My http://aprs.org/FrankenVolt.html page tells how to connect
any 12v inverter to the EV/Hybrid 12v battery and get emergency
power for days or a week.

I just added a link to comments on using a Tesla in this way,
which points out that the Tesla will detect the demand on
the car's DC/DC converter and will shut down.  In fact it
does this according to the car's "terms-and-conditions" to prevent
the use of powering your house since they want you to buy a Tesla
power wall instead!

The comments says this shut down occurs at 1 kW but does
not say how much lower is the actual threshold.

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