[aprssig] aprsis DOS in Poland, observation

Nick VA3NNW tapr at noseynick.com
Mon Sep 7 17:28:38 EDT 2020

> Hessu mentioned this already, but rate limits may protect against an 
> accidental situation...  but even forcing things right down to 2 
> packets per second as mused by Curt, 1500 - 2000 packets per second 
> can be done with 750-1000 clients which can be done with unique IPs 
> pretty easily meaning there is no way to block it if done on purpose.

If someone has access to 1000 IPs... are these in the same subnet (which 
could be given an aggregated token-bucket of uplink bandwidth), or do 
they already have a botnet that can already DDoS almost anything?

"Nosey" Nick Waterman, VA3NNW/G7RZQ, K2 #5209.
use Std::Disclaimer;    sig at noseynick.net
Modem: How a Southerner asks for seconds...

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