[aprssig] APRS-IS: frames bypassing server filter

Lynn W Deffenbaugh (Mr) KJ4ERJ at arrl.net
Wed Jul 15 12:27:03 EDT 2020

As Pete suggested, don't use an IGate-capable port on your upstream 
APRS-IS server.  If you connect to firenet.us's port 14580, for 
instance, all packets delivered there will be forwarded to the main 
APRS-IS, but since this port is not IGate-enabled, you will get no 
messages and no other IGate-triggered traffic from that port.

Or you need to use software that supports a "send-only" port via UDP or 

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

PS.  You should still be able to get the ISS object via the firenet 
connection with the filter you are using now.

On 7/15/2020 11:57 AM, Stephen H. Smith via aprssig wrote:
> On 7/15/2020 10:50 AM, Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists via aprssig wrote:
>> If you don't want to see packets originated by stations heard on RF 
>> by your IGate (i.e. don't want to support messaging), you may be able 
>> to disable the gate capability in your client, change to using a 
>> send-only port (UDP or HTTP), or connect to a FIRENET port 14580 
>> which do not support bidirectional IGates.  In all cases, we will 
>> know if your IGate is messaging to RF and other IGates will know your 
>> station has APRS-IS connectivity (so therefore will not gate to RF 
>> messages for your client).
> But this still doesn't solve the problem of the original poster, which 
> was to stop APRS-IS-to-IGATE traffic.   Even if he chooses to not 
> transmit this data back to RF, it's still burning up his limited 
> cellular data quota getting from the APRS-IS to his shack.
> I have encountered a similar issue.   I run an ISS satgate among my 
> multiple igate setups.  The intent is to serve maps of what I am 
> hearing on RF from the ISS, and igate the traffic to the Internet as 
> the same time.  The map display is here:
>      http://wa8lmf.ddns.net:14443/
> For some reason, a surprising number of stations beaconing through the 
> ISS digi also beacon directly to the Internet at the same time.  (Or 
> get igated by other stations further down the orbital track.)   This 
> causes stations to continue to show on my North American map, long 
> after the ISS is out of range of my own station. (The APRS-IS persists 
> in sending me reports from stations I can no longer hear off the air.)
> I do have an APRS-IS filter set to send me KJ4ERJ's space station 
> object from the APRS-IS, but I would like, if possible, to receive 
> Is there ANY way to do this?
> ____________________________________________________________
> Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
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