[aprssig] HF APRS igates

Joe Bennett aprs at ka3nam.com
Thu Apr 23 14:39:11 EDT 2020

Just did a test on 60 meters and got gated by K1TWH. It looks like the igate software is adding the comment that it is coming from 30 meters. Guessing that's something to do with the igate config.

Using: '@APRSIS GRID EM28OV' as the message. It would work best if you inserted your own grid square value. :)

-- Joe 

Apr 22, 2020, 10:53 PM by aprssig at lists.tapr.org:

> Well, at least one station has hit my 60-meters igate!
> At  01:59:14 UTC 23 Apr, my igate in central Michigan copied KA3NAM . Apparently, at least one other station is igating on 60 meters.  APRS.fi shows KA3NAM was gated by AE4HZ.
> Again 60-Meters JS8Call igate is on
> 60 Meters"US Channel 5" (5.403.5 USB)  Set waterfall tone freq to 1400 Hz.
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> Skype:        WA8LMF
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> -----   NEW!    60-Meter APRS!   HF NVIS APRS Igate Now Operating  ------
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