[aprssig] Beacon parsing help

John Langner WB2OSZ wb2osz at comcast.net
Sat Mar 23 16:27:06 EDT 2019

I agree with Andrew.  They are all defective, possibly handcrafted by those
who did not read the protocol spec carefully.

A tool you can use, for syntax checking, is the "decode_aprs" utility
included with the "direwolf" TNC.

This is what it has to say:

K3NAL-1>BEACON:!146.64-000000z3812.05n/07623.07WrT146 R25 NetTu 1930 Mtg 4th

Invalid character in latitude.  Found '6' when expecting 0-5 for tens of
Invalid character in longitude.  Found 'z' when expecting 0-9 for minutes.
Position, Ambiguous (Big Question mark) w/overlay 0
87 MPH, course 5
23.07WrT146 R25 NetTu 1930 Mtg 4th Th

W9GO-3>BEACON:!146.91-4028.82N/08609.33W# Kokomo Repeater Club

Invalid character in latitude.  Found '6' when expecting 0-5 for tens of
Invalid character in longitude.  Found '2' when expecting 0 or 1 for
hundreds of degrees.
Position,  w/overlay 0
09.33W# Kokomo Repeater Club

SV1GCB-3>APMI06:!222024S3704.18N/02225.79E #QTH T=18.5C, U=13.2V,

Unexpected character "2" found where period expected in latitude.
Invalid character in longitude.  Found '.' when expecting 0-9 for degrees.
Position,  w/overlay 7, SQ3PLX http://microsat.com.pl/
25.79E #QTH T=18.5C, U=13.2V, WX3in1Plus2.0

WB5OER-2>APTT4:!2847.0333N/09729.2666W#PHG71304/ 13.0V

Error: '3' found for latitude hemisphere.  Specification requires upper case
N or S.
Invalid character in longitude.  Found 'N' when expecting 0 or 1 for
hundreds of degrees.
Position,  w/overlay 3, Tiny Track
66W#PHG71304/ 13.0V

W3EPE-3>APTT4:!4048.31N07531.34W#PHG51304/ W1

Invalid character in longitude.  Found '7' when expecting 0 or 1 for
hundreds of degrees.
Position, Parking w/overlay 0, Tiny Track
N 40 48.3100, Invalid Longitude
HG51304/ W1<0x20>

POINT6>APN382:!4702.46NS11359.W#PHG5860/ 11,22,21,33 harc's pt6 thanks mso

Invalid character in longitude.  Found 'W' when expecting 0-9 for tenths of
Position, Haze (& Overlay Hazards) w/overlay S, Kantronics KPC-3 rom
N 47 02.4600, Invalid Longitude
G5860/ 11,22,21,33 harc's pt6 thanks mso wx.


Invalid character in longitude.  Found '/' when expecting 0 or 1 for
hundreds of degrees.
Position, Smoke (& other vis codes) w/overlay N, Network nodes, digis, etc
N 48 04.6600, Invalid Longitude

DC1SK-15>APNL51:!5112.018N/01117.042E`Radiosonde Tracker - Based on kxyTrack

Error: '8' found for latitude hemisphere.  Specification requires upper case
N or S.
Invalid character in longitude.  Found '/' when expecting 0 or 1 for
hundreds of degrees.
Position,  w/overlay N, Network nodes, digis, etc
E`Radiosonde Tracker - Based on kxyTrack 1.0-1805

DO2ATR-10>APGW1K:!5005.05N/007 0.07E#DO2ATR iGate APRS 432.500 JO30MU

"432.500" in comment looks like a frequency in non-standard format.
For most systems to recognize it, use exactly this form "432.500MHz" at
beginning of comment.
Position, DIGI (white center), Gates, etc
N 50 05.0500, E 007 00.0700, 432.500 MHz
DO2ATR iGate APRS 432.500 JO30MU

"decode_aprs" also complains about the via path addresses that are not valid
for going over the air.
I hand edited out the paths out for clarity.

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