[aprssig] trying to beacon our local repeater--aprx

Ron Stordahl ronn5in-aprssigroup at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 24 15:35:23 EST 2018

 Long ago I created this document describing a format that works with Kenwood TM-D710A & TH-D72A aswell as the Yaesu FTM-350 & 400 APRS radios.  Likely these radios have been replaced by now, but hopefully the formats are carried forward.  I would like to know if there have been any changes.
Ron, AE5E

   On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 1:58:36 PM CST, MJ Inabnit <ke6sls at arrl.net> wrote:  
I now this is silly question, but I am confused.  My beacon is sent but
I don't think I have the comment data correct.  In many places I've
visited, my aprs radio will hear a beacon that reports a local repeater.
 My radio then pops it up and I can push a button and the data sets my
radio automatically so I can use the repeater.

I've pasted a bit of my config file below.  How should it be?

# Basic beaconed thing is positional message of type "!":
#beacon symbol "R&" lat "0000.00N" lon "00000.00E" comment "Rx-only iGate"

beacon symbol "I&" $myloc comment "Tx-iGate Repeater 147.60 147.000rx tn
103.5 r50m"


Thanks for any help.



wishing you well
Jaye, ke6sls--via the toshiba w/thunderchicken
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