[aprssig] SatReporter Hacked once Again

Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Wed Sep 6 17:04:19 EDT 2017

You depress me and deflate me your a prick 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Sep 2017, at 7:02 am, Andrew Rich <vk4tec at tech-software.net> wrote:
> Your comments mean nothing to me 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 7 Sep 2017, at 6:46 am, Steve Dimse <steve at dimse.com> wrote:
>> Andrew, grow up.
>> First of all, I'll bet there is not a single person on this SIG that is 'jelous' (or even 'jealous') of you. If there anyone, speak up now and prove me wrong!
>> Second, it is highly unlikely that whoever is hacking you is even a ham, much less on this sig. findU's servers are attacked hundreds of times a day. It is a fact of life in today's internet, and mature operators don't go around flinging blame on users. If you don't know how to deal with the modern internet you have no business putting a server on that internet. I'll give you a hint, the answer is not to complain to the ISP of origin. The odds are the computer at that IP is hacked, and someone controlling it remotely. They are probably using your server to attack others as we speak, do you want to be blamed for that? The only effective answer is to configure your server so it is not hackable. And there is NOTHING easier than dealing with an attack from a single IP.
>> Finally, a hit a second is hardly DoS. Each of my servers averages over 20 hits a second.
>> Oh, and I don't know if you really are 'friends with the federal police', maybe. But in my experience people who make threats based on their relationships with important people are usually pathetic losers with appropriately low self-esteem that try to raise their image with fake claims, yet only manage to make themselves look more pathetic. 
>> Steve K4HG
>>> On Sep 6, 2017, at 1:10 PM, vk4tec at tech-software.net wrote:
>>> I have been accused of not supplying enough information 
>>> So here it is 
>>> I designed a SatReporting tool that encompases the ISS and NO-84
>>> It draws information from the APRS-IS stream and presents it in a web form.
>>> I added a function where people could manually add a satellite observation 
>>> This was exploited and I had to deal with the authorities and coped 65,000 emails from a vindictive individual in California
>>> I contacted his her ISP and they were dumb and clueless
>>> The help exceed my monthly internet bill in the the process.
>>> That stoped after I reported them and took away the manual reporting feature.
>>> I then let the system back on line and once again the same vindictive indivual was hitting my web site with a denial of service attack every second.
>>> I have had to report them again.
>>> My ISP are pissed off at me when I have done nothing wrong 
>>> Some jelous individual obviously does not like any one else doing something smart
>>> It is sad and I feel sorry for that individual
>>> I have a had a rough life and I can can take the punches 
>>> I will persist in bringing new and smart solutions to problems where I see I can help
>>> Here is the individual that is doing it 
>>> vk4tec at hpserver:/maint/scripts> nslookup
>>> Server:
>>> Address:
>>> Non-authoritative answer:
>>>      name = 50-255-43-233-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net.
>>> Authoritative answers can be found from:
>>> vk4tec at hpserver:/maint/scripts>
>>> I have migrated from a raspberry pi to a quad quad core processore machine with 64 GB of RAM running LINUX OpenSuse
>>> I will not be shut down by some asshole who wants to make my life hell
>>> I say go for it 
>>> I am smater than you think having been in volved in both telecommunications and aviation security incidents.
>>> I have been given military clearance and are friends with federal police 
>>> You have been warned 
>>> Andrew 
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