[aprssig] ANSRVR

Randy Love rlove31 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 14:14:29 EDT 2015

Just throwing this out there: there are a LOT of RX only igates.
Maybe the igate isn't two way.

(If it was mentioned somewhere earlier that this was a confirmed 2-way
Igate, I apologize for missing that.)


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) via aprssig <
aprssig at tapr.org> wrote:

> True, but I would have thought at at least one of the response messages
> would have gotten through.
> I'm suggesting that he test with the ISS pass auto-responder instead of
> that massive response from ANSRVR.
> I'll also be going into ANSRVR and working on a better means of removing
> obsolete groups to shorten that particular response.
> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
> On 10/13/2015 12:29 PM, Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists via aprssig wrote:
>> Hi Lynn,
>> This is his test:
>> 2015/10/13 02:00z  N0KQX-2>APY02D,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,N0KQX::ANSRVR
>>  :?{02
>>   And ANSRVR responded with an ack02 like it should followed by 21
>> packets showing all active groups.  While this works for APRS-IS clients,
>> it won't work for most IGates as it will overrun the TNC buffers almost
>> always (and maybe UI-View won't play either when trying to gate that many
>> packets to RF, I don't know).
>> So Dale, ANSRVR is working and replying to your handheld.  There are too
>> many packets for your handheld to handle (possibly) or the TNC is being
>> overrun and so packets might be dropped.
>> Hope this helps.
>> 73,
>> Pete Loveall AE5PL
>> pete at ae5pl dot net
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 10:58 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [aprssig] ANSRVR
>>> Can you interact with WHO-IS or CQSRVR?   If I send a ? to ANSRVR I get
>>>> no
>>> ack or reply. I haven't tried cqsrvr.
>>>> What are you using for your IGate software? Ui- view
>>>> What is the "central US server"? Central.aprs2.net: 14580
>>>> What are you sending to ANSRVR?  ?
>>>> What is the callsign-SSID from which you're sending the message? N0KQX-2
>>>> Is that station the IGate or something else? N0KQX is the igate N0KQX-2
>>>> is
>>> my yeasu ht
>>> It used to work just fine along with queries to WLNK-1.
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